A Woman’s Guide to Solo Travel

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The climate for taking a personal vacation, as opposed to a business trip, was tested and found to be insignificant. It was of interest that age and the presence of dependent children is not a motivator of those other than initially noted. Rather than being viewed as negatively linked to likability, this division offered a positive spin as regular-mention travelers claim to be masters of their own domains, appear reserved and aloof. When an individual travels in Europe, and when a woman takes a direct flight, she conforms to the typical independent persona of the woman traveler and scores the trip as a fantastic experience. The woman who solos east of Europe and female independent travelers congregate throughout the continent.

“Why not?” “The single best way to reinvent and rejuvenate oneself.” “An incredible experience!” All these are in response to the question, “What’s it like to travel alone?” asked of women who undertook such distinction. Just like addressing the general public, the answers elicited from each sojourner are varied. I don’t think that it can be discerned that it is because women are more discerning and analytical or are just more verbose. Male, solo sojourners offer short, to-the-point replies. Economic necessity is the one condition that inspires a female to travel solo, but women want to travel alone because of the experience, the likability or its interpretation of control, separation, and privacy are aspects, because the presence of women friends on the trip change the aspect to likability. Statements, such as likable, made by women who traveled abroad because it lacks likability. Accompanying the stated motive to travel solo was the matter of taste in taking personal vacations.

Benefits of Solo Travel for Women

Women are questioning former stereotypes and societal beliefs about the roles and behavior of women. Many are choosing to explore the world alone. It’s fun and rewarding. There are many ways in which solo travel can enhance personal growth. There are, of course, a lot of destinations available for the solo traveler. By doing some solid planning, you should be able to find a place where you will be heartily welcomed. Write to tourist boards or consulates for details of countries you are interested in. They usually provide all sorts of pertinent details on customs, dress codes, and special considerations for women tourists. Then spend some time talking with your travel agent or use the Yellow Pages to locate reputable travel bookstores which can provide advice on traveling to a particular place. Once you have decided on at least a general route plan, particularly if you are traveling to developing countries and out-of-the-way places, learn a bit about the local culture, wildlife, and geography of the area. There are lots of good travel specialty books and magazines. Just search them out.

Safety Tips for Women Traveling Alone

Safety goes beyond avoiding physical harm. You also need to protect your data. Digital security is a definite consideration for travelers and there are added benefits for women. There are programs that can alert a friend if you’re not back in your accommodations at a specific time, can monitor your location wherever you go, or can give you a way to contact someone in an emergency without it showing in your call history. Remember that an always-on internet connection makes it easy to track your whereabouts unless you take some precautions. Use your digital security program whether you’re in the ‘safest’ city in the world or the one you are warned not to visit.

Guys must worry less about safety while traveling, but for women this is a major concern. No matter where you are in the world, the advice for staying safe is the same: keep your valuables safe, do not walk around dark streets, be aware of your surroundings and look for signs of danger. In some places, there are extra things to consider, like whether you can trust privately hired drivers or if theft is a problem. Safety is not something to take lightly when traveling, but it should not prevent you from experiencing the world on your own.

Researching Destinations

It’s also important to pick your destination based on things you are interested in. There are countless travel destinations out there. They are going to vary in what forms of things you can see and do. If you enjoy looking at animals, maybe avoid traveling to the desert regions of the world. If you could care less about art, avoid the “art” destinations. For example, if you enjoy places that have a lot of culture and flamboyant locals, go visit South America.

Where to? One of the most difficult decisions is where to go in the first place. The options are virtually limitless. The world is a big place and you really have an open slate. One jump-off point is geography. Do you have a short amount of time or a long amount of time? The more time your trip takes, the slower you can go and the more frequently you can stop. If you have a short flight time, you’re going to be limited as to how far you can get. On the other hand, if you have a substantial amount of time, you can really make it worthwhile by getting far away.

Packing Essentials

Rolling luggage: Rolling suitcases are always going to be easier to transport on your own, over dragging a duffel or trying to balance a large backpack. If you plan on doing an excessive amount of walking once you get to your destination, it might be a good idea to look for a suitcase that’s got spinners or wheels that rotate 360 degrees.

Whether it’s your first time traveling by yourself or simply your first time traveling to a new place, it’s easy to get overly eager and keep on adding things to your luggage. When it comes to solo travel, the main mission is to pack light. This might mean that you’ll need to save your 10 favorite dresses and 5 variety of boots for when you get to your destination to wear, but it will save you a lot of hassle dragging it all around the airport. Here are some travel essentials that every solo traveler should consider taking with them. Anything that doesn’t make it on this list can most likely be picked up at your destination that way you don’t have to worry about leaving it or dragging it all around creation.

Navigating Transportation

Don’t be afraid to ask questions: If you’re new in a city and you’re not sure if it’s safe for you to be walking around late at night by yourself, you can raise these concerns to your hotel staff. This is something you can and should do, no matter where you are in the world.

Countries will be different about the way they treat women who are traveling alone, and for this reason, you should make sure to do a bit of research so you know what to expect. In some places, traveling on a busy bus or train can be quite an overwhelming experience. You may find that being stared at or trying to find personal space often results in an unpleasant journey. However, there are a number of things you can do to make this situation a lot easier. You may want to consider wearing a pair of headphones and putting on some sunglasses when traveling on buses and trains.

Staying Connected

When traveling abroad, the majority of European and Western Pacific countries have high WiFi access around urban areas. For instance, Europe’s public spaces are more and more becoming digital cities, with WiFi in urban areas and virtually all hotels and libraries. In major cities in Asia, technology is ready to serve whatever you might need. Students or business travelers in these areas can always count on having internet or phone access wherever they go. There are also internet cafés (a dying breed in other parts of the world) that are alive and well in Asia, Europe, South Korea and other areas, providing travelers a quick safe way to touch base with family and friends.

Technology is making travel safer. You can check in with your family or friends wherever you are, using your smartphone, laptop or a tablet at your hotel or at a café with WiFi. As a matter of fact, expect to have connectivity completely as part of your travel experience. As the world becomes increasingly insecure, in terms of terrorism, major weather events, political change and war, staying connected at home and being able to call out is a part of feeling safe. A vast number of travelers take their phones, laptops, handheld gaming devices and GPS units on vacation, finding them to be crucial to their ability to relax while traveling.

Empowering Experiences Through Solo Travel

Being responsible for your own travel ventures – to make the most of what are often life-defining and life-changing experiences – varies in intensity depending on age, experience, travel destination, and the tastes of the individual traveler. Women who journey to other countries these days tend to be well-educated women in search of immersion into different cultures and languages that are not accessible to them before their stay. The freedom to travel, learn, and become an architect of one’s life is empowering. Such travel is a powerful experience that has the potential to feed rising demand as people continue to want to suck the richness from life. Regardless of how fragile one is – for each person’s life experience is as unique as a thumbprint – this kind of travel can help you construct who you want to be in relation to the rest of the world. Being thrust into a set of circumstances over which you have little control can provide you with a broader and more knowledgeable life than if you remain in your comfort zone back home.

Women with more control over their life and their roles have higher self-esteem and better mental health. Solo travel offers a number of opportunities for women to expand their personal freedoms. It empowers women to make choices and grow their self-confidence in an environment free of judgment and intimidation. This can help women build healthier self-images. Being responsible for your own experiences also fosters an adventurous and daring spirit. You’ll learn how to take charge of your emotions and how to handle every situation. Such independence is vital for psychological freedom. By meeting more positive role models and having the pleasure of your own company, you can better appreciate your abilities and realize the benefits of making important choices. Other benefits that solo travel offers include stretching your horizons; finding the chance to volunteer and give something positive in return to people in need; and having the strength to be yourself, independent, and self-sufficient.

I hope you make the choice. I hope you blow up your piggy bank and indulge in more travel and adventure than you can afford. I hope you have a ball. And should you ever need courage, remember that millions of other women travel solo – in automobiles or foot cavalry – at any one time. If you have the flame, don’t hide it under a blanket. Go for it!

Solo travel can be the best hobby in the world. All you have to do is make the choice. Of course, solo travel is not for everyone at every stage of life. Plenty of women are content to travel with family, friends, or colleagues. But as the years pass, fewer and fewer opportunities for solo travel present themselves. The time seems right to take to the road when you are young – and new at this travel business and ready to learn – or when you are older and the children are grown and gone (and you no longer need to fly home to pick up your Halloween costume). But once you’re out there, once you’ve gotten the knack of turning down several roads at once and going in any direction that offers adventure, solo travel can be an acceptable way of life. Do it, now.